KILLEEN, Texas (March 15, 2022) – Mayor Jose Segarra delivered his final State of the City address today in City Council chambers, touting population growth, innovative use of COVID-19 funding, street projects and partnerships.
Mayor Segarra said an increasing number of people want to call Killeen home and it takes relationships, partnerships and a team effort to ensure there’s always improvement.
“From Fort Hood to the local colleges, to the Killeen Independent School District, the Chamber of Commerce and the Killeen Economic Development Corporation, we must and will unite to make this city one that you’re proud of,” Segarra said.
A few of the highlights from the speech include:
- A Comprehensive Plan that outlines a vision for the city over the next decade
- Revitalization of north Killeen and downtown (New apartment complex / Monthly downtown events)
- $28 million allocated from the American Rescue Plan Act funds
- CARES Act funding provided rental/mortgage/utility assistance to 1,800+ families
- Tax rate lowered by 3.25 cents to 70.04 cents
- Sales tax revenues up 15%
- KFD added nine-member ambulance crew
- KFD added three, new ambulances last year
- Completed 56 lane miles of milling, overlay and striping
- 10,000 COVID-19 vaccines administered; 5,000 tests administered
- KPD lowered crime rate
- New hangar/jobs coming to Killeen-Fort Hood Regional Airport (GRK)
- Recreation Services and KFD Master Plans
- The city’s population increasing by 30,000 people in ten years
Mayor Segarra also thanked those in the Armed Services, first responders, public servants, healthcare workers, churches, nonprofit organizations and small businesses for the contributions they’ve made to our city.
The address was livestreamed to the City of Killeen’s website and is available for viewing at